One evening there was a gorgeous sunset and the sky was incredible and I wanted to snap shot it just to get some experimentation for my final piece. I over exposed the images by controlling my shutter and under exposed them so I could later photoshop them. My under exposed images where the sky is really dynamic but the field is dark the exposure was set to 1/30th of a second with an ISO on 125. The over exposed images in contrast to these were the same ISO setting butt the exposure time was 1/2 of a second.
The photoshop edit:
The first image is slightly better than the second, it's really difficult trying to make sure that your images are the same as you need a tripod and your experimenting with shutter. I tried out loads of different shutter speeds, from 1/30 of a sec, 1/8th of a sec and 1/25th of a sec to get the best images but also so I knew what to work with and could later anyalsis the images. As much as these images don't fully go with my theme of cold, deserted places and the loss of something feeling lonely I thought it was a great way to trial a mini shoot to further my knowledge and development.