Monday, 17 September 2012

Uta Barth

Uta Barth is a is a contemporary photography who I studied very briefly at in AS. I would love to experiment with her more especially the technique of experimenting with depth of field, focus and framing to take photographs that are suggestive rather than descriptive, alluding to places rather than describing them explicitly.Her interiors and landscapes engage the viewer in an almost subliminal way, testing memory, intellect and habitual responses. This I think could reflect loneliness well.

This photo really inspired me as it is so beautifully taken it's one of my favourite photos I think. You really get the feel of a cold winter morning. The depth of the field is really deep here as it is fully out of focus. The colours look stunning together as they focus on white and blue, but the pink of the two children I think really stand out well. I am going to take a shoot inspired by Uta Barth but only looking at black and white and trying to experiment with the depth of field, later on I will develop with actual colours and people as this photo looks like it has been taken with a film camera or edited with a old-fashioned filter which I would quite like to do.

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