Thursday, 18 October 2012

David Wilson 1

This shoot I went out around 4/5 o'clock down to my grans farm/field. I hadn't visited her field in ages and it was really nice going down and experimenting with lighting and shadows. I got some great shots I couldn't choose which one I liked so I put numerous ones in. Majority of them have had the contrast changed a bit to emphasis the shadows and sharpened. I really like how this shoot went, I was very happy. They portray loneliness in a very unusual way as the photo concept (context) is quite strange such as the bath being in the middle of the barn and a gate with loads of empty space where nobody is around.
I would like to further develop this shoot with maybe photoshopping people onto it or actually taking a shoot with somebody down there and using the Uta Barth/Francis Bacon shoot re-developed of faces moving but with great lighting and it showing ambuigity of not knowing who it is or what it is.

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