Thursday, 31 January 2013

Final Pieces

These are my final pieces of my coursework which I'm really proud of. I haven't thought about doing photoshop layering. I always wondered how photographers got such stunning photos but this is how!

I had to experiment a lot such as different techniques by over exposing the photo and under exposing then rubbing it out on Photoshop.

Some photos in particular I would change it by using the straightening tool for example this photo:

I straightened the top image and cropped it, I done this as it makes the sky look more dramatic and the grass to stand out. I also lightened the grass as it really was a contrast to the sky and made it stand out.


In this photo you can tell I lightened the grass and the horse to make it stand out more and I also changed the saturation to make it more colourful and vibrant. There was a printer fault as well which made it look darker so I had to bring the brightness up.
I trialled out black and white too but it didn't make as a good effect. I think these photos apply to my theme really well as it the setting and the landscape wide angle is very lonely and lost. The colours of the sky look like a tornado or a storm is about to appear and linking the weather with a mood this would be anger, upset, lost.


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